Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 8, 2015

Penis Enlargement Bible

An exit popup is when a visitor is redirected to a different page when they are trying to leave the site without purchasing.This site uses an exit popup to capture a visitors e-mail addresses. We put the visitor on an autoresponder promoting the product, if the user comes back to the site because of these autoresponder e-mails and buys the product you still get an affiliate commission, so its in your best interest to not bypass the exit popup script as it will result in higher total earnings.

If you are using a PPC network such as Google Adwords you often have to bypass the exit popup to comply with the policies of the PPC network. We make this simple to do. To disable the exit popup feature of this site, simply ammend '?exitpop=false' to your ClickBank hoplink as shown in the example below:

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